Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Baked Battered Chilis... and then some

This was the result of a hybrid combination of wanting to create baked corndogs and baked battered chili rellenos. I was wondering how was i going to keep the batter ON the chili without them sliding off as they baked. I browsed the web a bit( read: ALOT) and did my experiment. i was worried i would fail, but i didn't, yay. No food waste!

Basic batter ratio i figured was 5:2 flour:liquid
i used:
40g besan flour( my substitute for cornmeal)
25g atta flour/plain flour
salt and pepper
2 tsp baking powder
1.5-2 egg whites
100ml water
-mix, mix mix! batter will be thick and lumpy.
-add a bit of water to thin out a little
-dip the stuffed chilis into the batter, place on baking paper and bake for about 15-30mins at 210d.Celsius.keep checking to make sure it doesn't burn!

when i saw these mini chilis, i couldn't resist buying them, way too cute! I stuffed the mini chilis with pureed cauliflower mixed with rosemart, salt and pepper. Problem with this was that water leaked out of the peppers during baking and soggied the coating a little-but nothing too major.

I had some left over batter and seeing that i also had some leftover cauliflower puree, I did only what anyone esle would do-mix them together. then fry them. in little teaspoon moulds. like blinis. YUMMY.

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